Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blonde Jokes

A brunette, a redhead and a blonde were applying for a position as secretary.
The brunette filled out the form in 5 minutes.  The interviewer asked her how many d's were in Indiana Jones - she said 1 and was told they would call her later.
The redhead filled out the form in 10 minutes and the interviewer asked her the same question and her response was the same.  She was also told that she would be called soon.
The blonde took 30 minutes to fill out her form because she was busy talking.  The interviewer asked her the same question and she started counting on her fingers 365 was her answer.  The interviewer asked her if that was her final answer.  She recounted on her fingers and said yes.  He asked her if she was sure
Well of course she said and started singing "Dun Dun Dun Dun dun dun dun.......

Ok ok so I know it would help if we had audio here but just start singing the theme song in your head alright?!!

So, this was my dinner hour the other night.  My 12 year old son and my 16 year old son spent the entire dinner telling blonde jokes.  Since my 12 year old is blonde I asked him if he wasn't just a little insulted - "No mom they are funny." was  his reply.  I couldn't argue with that.

Anyway i guess they were better than the "yo momma" jokes they are usually telling.