Recently I have been learning some things about myself, my husband, and my children that I have a feeling are going to change everything. I haven't always been the best mom.Learning how to be a parent is a process and sometimes we make mistakes.
Maybe part of the problem was I didn't really understand myself very well. I know parts of me extremely well and some I like and some I definitely don't like. I am sure that is the same with all of you. Last week I discovered something that has showed me a whole different understanding of myself and my family. We all need to grow and change in our lives. It is part of learning to become like Christ. However, even the scriptures teach us that with prayer and faith our weaknesses can become strengths. .
The link I shared is a free course I have been watching for the past 5 days. I have learned some amazing things about me, about Dave and about my children. I actually ordered the following book- last week. This is the same woman who has done both and I am really intrigued by what she is teaching me. I think if I had understood even a part of this, I would have been a better parent. It is never too late to learn. I am really excited about this and I invite all of you to go on these websites and see if what Ms Tuttle is teaching is valid to you also. :)
Have a wonderful day!